Thursday, November 14, 2019

To Build A Fire Essay -- essays research papers

Sometimes everyone feels like giving up, and the only thing a person can rely on is his will to survive. Giving up is admitting defeat, in every circumstance. In the story by Jack London, To Build a Fire, the main character learns a hard lesson of reality, when he meets his fate. The result came about because of many factors, mainly the man’s lack of psychological perserverance on the journey, as well as the harsh temperature and surroundings. If there was any hope for the man to survive these conditions, it would rely wholey on his persistance and motivation. The man expected his fate after it was too late to change it, weighing all the variables and realizing there was no probable way to escape his prediciment. The man’s fate was ultimately decided by his lack of imagination and carelessness. Beginning the tale, the man is secure in his journey and firmly believes even though he is traveling alone, he will be successful in his pursuit. He discounted the advice from men from Sulphur Creek, who advised it was potentially hazardous to travel alone. He had false confidence in himself. For example, despite the dangerously cold temperatures, he did not take necessary precautions when he built his first crucial fire. Then, when he realized his mistake, he didn’t realize how serious it was until he could not start another effective fire. If the man would have had an additional human to accompany him on his journey, he would have been initially much safer. He showed carelessness ...

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